FSX cockpit DIY instructions

These Builders Completed Their FSX Cockpit DIY Projects

This is the greatest difference between Roger Dodger Aviation and the other guys: my customers actually complete their projects! My online courses include instructions for each step of the project including video clips, diagrams, pictures, and printouts. You can build a FSX cockpit DIY project like these guys!

DIY Deluxe Desktop Flight Sim

First of all, look at this beautiful DIY Deluxe Desktop Flight Sim item #D250. It was built by Greg in Savannah Georgia, USA. This is one of my favorite designs because it is so versatile. Builders can create exactly the type of home cockpit they need to match their flying interests. You can install a yoke and throttle quadrant in the #D250. On the other hand, you can also use a HOTAS joystick and throttle or even a helicopter collective.

Pair the #D250 with the DIY Side Joystick Frame, or the DIY Center Joystick Frame, or the DIY Easy Helicopter Collective. These projects provide a sturdy mounting base for your joystick, throttle, and rudder pedals.


DIY Deluxe Desktop Flight Sim
DIY Deluxe Desktop Flight Sim built by Greg

DIY Triple Screen Flight Sim

The DIY Triple Screen Flight Sim, item #T440 is still my most popular DIY course. As a result, I get more T440 pictures than any other project. Two customers recently sent me pictures of their completed projects (see below). Wayne and Richard both build the same project but built it to suit their particular simulation requirements.



Help Spread the Word: FSX Cockpit DIY Projects

Don’t let Facebook bury these success stories! These men worked hard on their FSX cockpit DIY projects and deserve to be congratulated. When I post on Facebook, the message only goes out to 10% of my fans. Please LIKE, COMMENT, and SHARE to spread the word. If you are reading this as a blog post, please link to it or share it with friends. Let’s show these guys our community appreciates a job well done.

DIY Triple Screen Flight Simulator update

Free Update: DIY Triple Screen Flight Simulator

Roger Dodger Aviation’s defining project is probably the Triple Screen Flight Simulator, item #T440. This project has sold well since it was published in 2011. In addition, hundreds of people have flown the sim at the KC Maker Faire and at the National Airline History Museum. I’m proud to announce this DIY project is now available as a online e-learning course. If you already purchased the DIY Triple Screen Flight Simulator project as a download, you will be upgraded to the online course for free.


What is the DIY Triple Screen Flight Simulator Update?

The new version is the same content, but in an online e-learning format. This means the student sees the video clip, instructions, pictures, and diagrams for each particular step. You no longer have to look through an hour long video or 100 page manual to find something. Furthermore, you can access the course on mobile devices like smart phones and tablets as well as standard desktop and laptop computers.


Build with materials from a hardware store
Build with materials from a hardware store
DIY Triple Screen Flight Simulator online course
DIY Triple Screen Flight Simulator online course







How do You Get the Update?

If you’ve already purchased item T440 DIY Triple Screen Flight Simulator, the new update is FREE. Just email me at DIYflightsims@rogerdodger.net to get the new updated version. In addition, tell me what email address you used so I can look up your order. Then, I’ll send you a coupon code that allows you access to the update for free. Also, you get free access to the Builder Academy where you can learn all the basic skills for building DIY Flight Sim projects.


DIY Triple Screen Flight Simulator free update
DIY Triple Screen Flight Simulator free update


What About the Keyboard Mod?

You get it too! The original DIY Triple Screen Flight Simulator project always came with the DIY Airliner Keyboard Mod project, item #K140B. The reason was that it was so easy to install an overhead panel in to this type of cockpit. The keyboard mod is also in an online e-learning format.



If you bought DIY flight simulator build plans from a 3rd party vendor

If you bought DIY Flight Sims products from a 3rd party vendor

What Happened to the DIY Flight Sim downloads?

All DIY Flight Sim products are produced by me, Matt Thomas, here at Roger Dodger Aviation. These flight simulator build plans were originally sold as downloaded products. The customer would buy the instructional videos, manuals, and templates, and then download all contents in a big zip file. The customer would then open the files on a PC to view all the content.

That was a great idea in 2007, but not such a good idea 10 years later. Customers wanted better access to the content, and modern e-learning was the answer. With online tutorial courses, a student doesn’t have to sit through a giant video or sift through a 100+ pages of flight simulator build plans. I re-formatted all the content so each step in the building process has a short video clip, and the illustrated instructions for that step only. The plan drawings and printouts are presented with that step, instead of buried in an appendix.

You can now access the DIY Flight Sims courses with any device, even tablets and smart phones. This means you can bring all the instructions with you to the garage or workshop when you work on the project.

DIY Flight Sims made a huge leap forward in 2017.


How to Get the Updated Flight Simulator Build Plans

If you purchased an old Download version of a DIY Flight Sims product, you can get a free update to the new online course. The flight simulator build plans are in a better, learner-centered format, and many courses have additional material now.

Want the update? Simply email me at DIYflightsims@rogerdoger.net and tell me what product you bought and what email address you used. This will help me track down your order. Also tell me where you bought it if you purchased from a 3rd party vendor. I’ll send you a coupon code that will give you free access to the course.

New online courses are available for the following products:


What Happens When You Enroll

You will have access to the original content for that product, but in the new format as an online e-learning course. I’ve updated and improved some of the projects, so you also get any new material that I’ve added. In addition, you also get a monthly notification of any future updates I make to the products in the Roger Dodger Insider. Finally, you also get free access to Builder Academy, which is where you learn all the basic skills for building DIY Flight Sims.

Happy building! Happy flying!

Free Update

DIY Flight Sim Keyboard Mod Update

DIY Flight Sim Keyboard Stickers and More

My finest keyboard modification project by far is the DIY Airliner keyboard Mod, item #K140B. This project replicates
an overhead panel and Mode Control Panel from popular modern airliners. This product is more than simple flight sim
keyboard stickers, this is a comprehensive DIY project complete with an online tutorial. If you have this product, you
get the update for free.


DIY Airliner Keyboard Mod, build it your way
DIY Airliner Keyboard Mod, build it your way


What is the Update?

The new version is in a totally online format. This means that you see a video clip, instructions, pictures, and
diagrams for each step. As a result, the new course is a much improved, learner-centered presentation. The printout
flight sim keyboard stickers are also included. In addition, you can access the course on mobile devices like tablets
and smart phones as well as the standard desktop and laptop computers. See the free trial version here.


How do you get the Update?

It’s easy! If you’ve already purchased item K140B DIY Airliner Keyboard Mod, the new version is FREE. Simply email
me at DIYflightsims@rogerdodger.net to get the new updated version. In addition, tell me what email address you
used so I can look up your order. Then, I’ll send you a coupon code that allows you access to the new version for
free. Don’t forget, you also get free access to the Builder Academy. Learn all the basic skills for building a DIY Flight
Sims project.



More about the DIY Airliner Keyboard Mod

I first created this product in 2008, and it has been a great help to many home cockpit builders. Consequently, I’ve updated the project several times. I also included it with the purchase of the DIY Triple Screen Flight Sim, item #T440. You can see a preview of the newest version here and also check out the demo video below…


DIY Helicopter Simulator Controls, free upgrade to online tutorials

DIY Helicopter Simulator Controls | Free Upgrade to Online Tutorials

What is the Upgrade?

The F331 DIY Easy Helicopter Collective is one of my favorite projects because it fills an urgent need in the flight sim community. Try to find a helicopter collective control for a reasonable price. You will not find one, they are all hundreds of dollars. My DIY Helicopter Simulator Controls are still, after several years, the most cost-effective solution for home flight sim pilots. My tutorials show you how to build a framework from PVC pipe. You then attach standard HOTAS joystick/throttle and rudder pedals. The new, upgraded version of these tutorials are completely online and can be accessed with any device. No more cumbersome downloads!



How do you get the Upgrade?

This new online version is FREE if you’ve already bought the F331 DIY Easy Helicopter Collective. Email me at DIYflightsims@rogerdodger.net to get your upgraded version. Be sure to tell me what email address you used when you ordered so I can look you up. Then, I’ll send you a coupon code that will allow you access to the online lessons for free. You can then build your own DIY Helicopter Simulator Controls and get flying… and hovering.


More about the DIY Helicopter Simulator Controls

Have you ever tried to fly a helicopter with a regular flight sim throttle? It’s not enjoyable. There is a reason why helicopter controls look different than airplane controls – they ARE different. Once you try a helicopter collective, you will never want to go back to a regular throttle. When you use a collective, the movement is completely natural, you don’t have to even think about the controls any more, just make the helicopter do what you need it to do. I could never hover, or even land a helicopter before I built my collective. Now everything is easier.

Below is a demonstration of the DIY Easy Helicopter Collective, among other things…


Why was this product discontinued?

Why Was This Product Discontinued?

In 2017, I made a major shift in the way DIY Flight Sims tutorials are delivered. Formerly, customers had to download large compressed folders filled with videos, instruction manuals, and printouts. Starting in 2017, I migrated the tutorials to an online streaming format. However, I couldn’t migrate every single DIY Flight Sims product.


Why Did You Move to Streaming?

I started the DIY Flight Sims products in 2007. Selling them as downloads was the best way I could think of to deliver the products. Keep in mind, it was a different world in 2007. For example, Netflix still mailed DVDs in 2007, barely anyone accessed the internet with a smart phone, there were no iPads or tablets, and only 47% of American adults had broadband internet at home.


What’s the Big Deal with Streaming?

An online tutorial format is much more organized and convenient. It’s a more robust and valuable product. One way it’s better is that I’m able to present each video clip with the instructions, pictures, and diagrams for each individual step. You don’t have to look through a 40 minute video or a 60 page instruction manual if you’re trying to find something.

Streaming content is great because its so much easier to view the content anywhere. All the instructions are available to you when and where you are actually building the project, like your garage or workshop. It’s easy to view the tutorials on an iPad or even your smart phone. Look at all these other reasons why streaming is awesome.


Some products were discontinued in 2017
Some products were discontinued in 2017


Why Didn’t you Migrate all the Products?

I had to re-edit and migrate every part of each product to the streaming website. This was a manual chore and very time-consuming. I didn’t have much time for this either because of my regular full-time job and I was going to school. I’m actually a volunteer, I don’t get paid anything to work for Roger Dodger Aviation. All the revenue goes to pay the company expenses.

Consequently, I only had the resources to move the best-selling products. This was a tough choice, because I love all my projects and worked hard to produce them. I let the market decide which products had value, and I discontinued the rest.


Can I Still Get a Replacement Download if I Lose My Files?

Yes… for a while. I keep all the product download folders on a service called PayLoadz. If you lose your product files, I can give you a PayLoadz link to get a replacement. PayLoadz charges me money to provide controlled access to the files. As a result, I don’t know how long I can afford to keep those old products on PayLoadz.

I recommend you keep a backup of your files in case your hard drive crashes.

DIY HOTAS mount, upgrade to the new version

DIY Side Joystick Frame Upgrade | DIY HOTAS mount

What is the Upgrade?

The F311 DIY Side Joystick Frame project demonstrates how to build a simple and useful DIY HOTAS mount for your flight simulator controls. You can attach the joystick, throttle, and rudder pedals to this sturdy framework. Furthermore, you don’t have to modify your office chair or desk! The new upgrade provides more room on the side stands which is especially helpful when you wear a Virtual Reality headset.




How Do You Get the Upgrade?

The project upgrade is FREE if you already purchased the F311 DIY Side Joystick Frame. Just email me at DIYflightsims@rogerdodger.net to get your upgraded version. Be sure to tell me what email address you used so I can verify your order. Then, I’ll send you a coupon code that will allow you free access to the project.

You can get the updated F311 project here and then access the plans on any device. The F311 instructions are completely online, so you don’t have to download anything. The instructions, streaming videos, pictures, and printouts are all included with this online training course.


More about the DIY HOTAS Mount

I realized that I needed to make a few changes to the F311 frame when I tried the Oculus Rift VR headset. Remember, you can only see things inside the headset when you use VR, so it’s difficult to tap a keyboard key or find your mouse. As a result, my solution was to attach a trackball mouse beside the joystick. It’s always in the same place, so I don’t have to look for it. I tested (e.g. played with) this solution for many hours on Elite Dangerous.

Even in its original configuration, the F311 Side Joystick Frame works well with many types of flight sim setups. It’s easy to slide the frame under a desk or table, and then roll up to the frame with your office chair. Hold your chair in place with the Velco straps. Remember, you don’t have to modify your chair or desk to use this DIY HOTAS mount. This is a great addition to your home flight sim and works well with Lockheed Prepar3D, X-plane, Flight Sim World, FSX Steam, and others.

Build a DIY flight simulator with these homemade cockpit plans

Homemade Cockpit Plans | How to Order

I can teach you how to build a DIY flight sim with these homemade cockpit plans. You can improve your flight sim significantly with inexpensive materials that are available at your local home improvement store. In addition, buy your flight controls from Amazon or other online retailers, and use standard computer equipment. My homemade cockpit plans are videos, illustrated instructions, plan drawings, and printouts that show you the construction of an actual DIY flight sim.



Homemade Cockpit Plans

It’s easy to order my homemade cockpit plans. Every project is a full-featured online tutorial, so you never have to wait for shipping. I don’t sell the building materials, you already have them in your neighborhood at your local hardware store.


Step-by-step Ordering Instructions

  1. Find the homemade cockpit plans your want and click “View Course”.
  2. Click “Buy” to enroll in the course.
  3. Click “Fee Trial” to see the sample sections of the plans.
  4. Enter your name, email, and password (or just log in if you already enrolled in Builder Academy).
  5. Select “Check Out with PayPal” at the order screen or “Have a coupon” if you have a coupon code.
  6. Complete the purchase on PayPal. You don’t need a PayPal account.
  7. View the plans on any device: tablet, smartphone, desktop, or laptop.


Plan Formats

View all of the content in an internet browser, so you don’t have to worry about file formats, or downloading folders, or extracting files, or anything like that. You can focus on the project, not the computer programs. A few printouts are included too. You can either view them on screen, or print a hardcopy, if you prefer.


Lose Your Password?

Did you lose your password? No problem. My website has a standard password recovery/reset function. You can get access to the plans again and get back to building in no time.

100% online: How to build a home flight simulator

Online Training: Learn How to Build a Home Flight Simulator

I can now teach you how to build a home flight simulator in a online streaming format instead of selling downloads! This is a huge step forward for my little company. Look at the picture above… you can actually view an entire DIY Flight Sims project on a phone or tablet!

9 Reasons Why this is Awesome:

  1. The video and text content is now integrated. For each step, there is a video clip and the corresponding text it there with it. So in one example, I chopped up a 40 minute video into smaller segments. Each video clip appears with the corresponding step in the text.
  2. Accessible on any device: phones and tablets as well as laptops and desktops. There were no smart phones when I started making these DIY projects 10 years ago. But now, you can take the lesson to the workshop with you.
  3. A real affiliate program! My fans can also be my partners. If you have a blog or website, you can sell DIY Flight Sims products and earn a commission!
  4. No more cumbersome downloads. 95% of the emails I get from customers are people that lost their downloaded material and I have to manually send them a new download link. So then they have to wait on me to get their message and get to my computer. Well they don’t have to wait any more.
  5. Standard password recovery. Lose your password? No problem. Just re-set it like on any other website.
  6. Free updates for existing customers. I can give free access to customers that purchased the download version of these products. I can simply issue a 100% off coupon and that gives them access.
  7. Freebies! I used to include many basic training videos in a “Free Video” folder with each purchase. I’ve moved all of this content, and added new content to the Builder Academy.
  8. We still have printouts! People are already asking me, how do they print out the templates or button sheets? The online format still allows you to print Adobe pdf files. It’s just as easy as ever.
  9. It’s a secure website with SSL protection. Browse safely, and then build safely.

I built a new website and the online training system is ready! You can check it out right now. Please let me know what you think of this new direction for my little company.

Saitek Trim Wheel Adapter Template

Build a Saitek Trim Wheel Adapter

You can install the Saitek Trim Wheel underneath dual Saitek Throttle Quadrants… but only if you use an adapter plate. I made instructions, a DIY video, and a template to help you build a Saitek Trim Wheel Adapter  just like the one you see in the pictures.

I’m very happy with the Saitek Trim Wheel mainly because proper elevator trim is such a vital and basic skill in real flying. We are lucky that an inexpensive and robust trim wheel is readily available for our home flight simulators. Unfortunately, there is no way to clamp the stock Saitek Trim Wheel to a reasonable location. Believe me, I tried. A pilot should be able to adjust the elevator trim without looking for it the trim wheel. As a result, most trim wheels in real airplanes are located under the throttle or next to the pilot seat. Therefore, I made this Saitek Trim Wheel Adapter plate so you can install your trim wheel in a very natural location for your home flight simulator.



You Can Build a Saitek Trim Wheel Adapter

Take a look at these two examples of Saitek Trim Wheel Adapters built by Flight Sim enthusiasts just like You! Most noteworthy, you will see their Adapters look exactly like the one I built. They used the exact same build template that I offer free on my website. Many thanks to builders Dennis and Ben for sending me their pictures. I would love to see your finished Adapter too. If you build one, please send me pictures of your project to diyflightsims@rogerdodger.net.



Download the Free Template

Build your own Saitek Trim Wheel Adapter. Start by downloading and printing out the template. Get the template free by signing up for my monthly newsletter, the Roger Dodger Insider. You will be the first to know about product updates, sales, building tips, and more. It’s a monthly email so you won’t be bombarded with a bunch of stuff in your inbox and you can unsubscribe at any time. Become a Roger Dodger Insider here.